Previous studies have shown that technology encourages both instructors and students to take an active role in the language learning process. Due to recent developments in the education sector, technology-enhanced language learning (TELL) has come into the spotlight. In recent years, the role of technology in language classrooms has grown in importance. It will guide you through the basic steps of setting-up and working in an NVivo project by briefly explain how to create a project, import sources, code text and create codes, identify relationships, create queries and reports, and generate visualizations of the data using tables and charts. This webinar will provide a brief introduction to the capabilities of the software including navigating the overall interface running visualizations and queries, and incorporating categorical data. NVivo enables users to organize and analyse content from a wide range of materials such as interviews, focus group discussions, journal articles, surveys, audio, social media, videos and webpages. It is also increasingly used before the data analysis for conducting literature reviews. NVivo is a widely used qualitative data analysis software package that can shorten analysis timeframes, provide more thorough interpretation, and provide researchers with enhanced data management.

Note: Looking for free open source software to support qualitative data analysis? Try Tagguette.Considering the complexity of managing and analysing large amounts of qualitative data, your efforts to analyse the data without utilizing a software may be more challenging and time consuming. To request access to the NVivo software, use the following link to the Library NVivo Request Form.Īre you a faculty or staff member needing to purchase an NVivo license? Click here to access the request form. The license will be valid as long as the graduate student's NetID is valid and as long as the library continues to renew our annual NVivo licensing agreement. The library also can provide NVivo licenses to ISU graduate students. Library CASTLE funds are used to support the NVivo agreement. The library currently licenses the NVivo Qualitative Analysis software for use on library computers. Diaper changing stations and lactation room.